Wednesday, September 30, 2015

student success statement

"What you are as a person is far more important than what are you as a basketball player."                                                 -John Wooden                                                                                                                   John Wooden was not only a basketball coach he was a basketball player so he knows first hand what it really means to be   an athlete..                                                                                                                                                                                      John Wooden believes that there is something much greater than being a basketball player. I think that he believes basketball not only changes your attitude but it changes your perspective on everything. For example, If you are a horrible person and rude to everyone and decide to become an athlete no one on your team and none of your coaches with take your attitude. Thats if they dont kick you out... Although you might have a horrible attitude your coach will train you not only as an athlete but to be a better person. To be a good athlete you must be a good person first. Athletics are about competition and even if you either win or lose being a good sport is always permitted. If you win a game and rub it in the other teams face that's not exactly being professional it is being childish. Although, If you go shake the other teams and and give them props for having a good game that's what being a true player is.                  

Monday, September 28, 2015



Duties and Responsibilities: Cardiologist are physicians who have received additional training to prevent, diagnose and treat conditions of the cardiovascular systems, which include the heart and the body's blood vessels.
Salary: $512,000
Education: Aspiring cardiologist need to obtain their bachelor's degree and then enroll on a medical school program. After graduating from medical school, they complete several years of internal medicine and cardiology training in a residency program.

student success statement (True Wealth)

True Wealth

"True wealth is of the heart, not the purse." Pathros (Patriarch of Antioch & All the East, 1846-'94)

        This Quote is meaning to say that not all the riches will give you happiness or in other words money can't buy love. I think this quote was made for us to think about how it would be if we didn't have all the riches we have today. Who will be by are side and you won't. Yes money can buy you love and money can buy friends but then everything will be fake. You'd know that your friends and loved ones are just gold diggers. Although, If your not the wealthiest and if you are a loved person you won't need all the riches. The riches are just a distraction from the void in your soul called loneliness.

     For example lets say i was one of the riches teenagers in the world. Yes i would be rich,  but also im a horrible person, i dont care  about anyone but myself, and i hate everyone other than my friends. Now if that was me then i highly doubt i would have real friends i highly think that they would all be gold diggers. I bet that if i was crying at night and needed comfort i would be all alone, or if i lost all my money i would have no friends...

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Obedience ( Student Success Statement )


"Obedience sums up our entire duty." -Hosea Ballou 
   Hosea says obedience is our duty because everyone has responsibilities and if everyone has responsibilities its is our duty to take care of them. If we do not handle our responsibilities we are being disobedient because if our responsibilities are not taken care of we are choosing the wrong.

   For example, I have to attend school everyday. It is my responsibility to get my uniform and my siblings clothes ready. It is also my responsibility to wake my siblings and myself up on time so we can all be at school early. If i do not fu-fill my responsibilities not only will I be in trouble but i will also get my siblings and parents in trouble as well. Not only will I be in trouble but i will also be labeled as disobedient. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Student Success Statement

"When I do good, I feel good.
When I do bad, I feel bad." -Abraham Lincoln 

This quote means that if you are a good person and always choose the right you will be awarded with a good feeling and a cleansed mind. Also, If u choose the wrong you will forever have that chip on your shoulder and never actually feel good till you fix what you have done wrong. Abe means to tell us that we should always do good things.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Obedience (student success satement)


    "The key to freedom is obedience. The more obedient we are, the more freedom we have." - Boyd K. Packer

   I believe what Boyd K. Packer is saying is that if you have no type of freedom whether if it's from going out or just never getting to do what u want the trick is to follow all the rules. If u follow all the rules then you get more trust from the people who won't let you have your freedom. if u gain that person's trust sooner or later u will get more freedom. Think about it. Your parents won't let you go out if you don't follow the rules. if you talk back or out of term, if you get bad grades of course they wouldn't trust you enough to let you have your own type of freedom.

    In other words i do indeed agree with Boyd K. Packer. Obedience is the only way to insure yourself the least bit of freedom. A obedient person will have everything for them in life. A obedient person does their homework, gets good grades, gets home on time, never talks back and out of term, follows all rules and never breaks any laws. If you are a obedient person then you will have freedom in many ways. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Obedience (student success statement)


"Obedience is the great test of life"- Thomas S. Monson

Thomas S. Monson believe that the great test of life is obedience. I agree with
Monson because without obedience in life you will get no where. Obedience is following all rules, laws, and procedures. If you are a obedient person you will go far. You will do what you are told and follow any instructions given. Another reason i agree with Monson is because if you are a dis-obedient person you will end up in a bad place maybe even jail. 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 11th

9/11 Attacks

    September 11, 2001 was a horrific day for all of America. It was horrific for all of us because not only was the Pentagon, The twin towers and pennsylvania was being attacked, all of America and what we stand for.

  I was only 2 months old on September 11,2001 but even everyone in my generation and the generations coming know the horrifying details of 9/11. 3,000 people. Over 3,000 people we're victims that day. That includes The Twin Towers, The Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania. Some people in those buildings we're kids. THey we're military, Fathers, Sons , Daughters , Mothers , Wives etc.

   So many images and glimps videos and calls happened that day, but not until today i found out how bad it really was. It was terrifying. Some people knew as The building started to collapse they would die. Some even broke windows and threw themselves out. It is truly horrific to every know so much evil hate and envy could cause something like this. The messages these people left there families are heart break, they are devastating. i know if i was in anyone of there shoes i wouldn't be able to get a single word out.

   Some people in these building havent even started there life yet. Some even pregnant and their kids never even getting to meet there mother. Peoples last words "oh god!!", "please help me" and "I'm to young to die!!"

   343 firefighters were killed and and 57 police killed trying to get people out. These people but themselves in a doomed situation some just to comfort the people who had no hope because they knew the truth and the truth was they'd never make it out of that building.

   Its hard to believe that only 19 men caused all this complete chaos and destruction. 19 Islamic men that were part of the terrorist group al-Qaeda. The most famous was the leader of them all and a name that every single american and more have heard of.... Osama bin Laden.

   the hardest part about his assignment was having to read and hear some of these peoples last words. From "remember ill always love you" to " OH MY GOD OH GOD OH GOD". It is truly heart breaking. For example. Brad Fetchet, Floor 89
The stock trader, 24, was in the South Tower as the first plane hit.
Minutes before his own building was struck he called dad Frank, girlfriend Brooke and left this message for his mother Mary:
“Hey Mom. I’m sure you’ve heard a plane crashed into World Trade Center One. I’m obviously alive and well but obviously pretty scared.
Saw a guy fall out of probably the 91st storey all the way down. You’re welcome to give a call. Love you.” Its sad to think that some of these people didnt even answer the phone and i wonder what they thought and how they felt when they heard the message and saw the news. 
Another example is, Brian Nunez, Floor 104
Brian, 29, was struggling to breathe when he tried to ring brother Neal twice.
But Neal had just got home from a nightshift and was trying to sleep.
Office manager Brian’s message said: “A plane crashed into the Trade Center. It’s on fire, and I’m in it, and I can’t breathe. Tell everyone I love them, and if I don’t get out... goodbye.”
For the past eight years Neal has wondered how their chat might have gone.
Kevin Cosgrove 
Dad-of-three Kevin, 45, was one of the few people still on the line to emergency services as the South Tower collapsed.
The Aon Corporation vice president’s frantic call ended abruptly with screams and the sound of debris falling on him.
KC: There’s smoke really bad.
911: Sit tight and we’ll get to you as soon as we can.
KC: I know you’ve got a lot in the building but we’re up on the top. Smoke rises too. Come on, I can barely breathe now – can’t see. It’s really bad, it’s black, it’s arid. We’re young men, not ready to die.
911: Hello?
KC: Hello... there’s three of us, two broken windows... Oh God! Oh...
(Rushing sound of collapsing building).

For the people who weren't there or weren't even born yet. When you here those words. Those final words of someone who is completely terrified it's honestly jaw dropping and tearjerking. My heart goes out to the people and family of 9/11.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


"Education is the latch key to success in life."
- Gordon B. Hinckley

               I believe this quote stands for being as successful as you can in everyway possible. Being successful means you have to put time and effort into anything and everything you do. You must really put your mind to it or else you most likley are not being your very best. Education is the link to everything. If you want a job at McDonalds you have to have a high school diploma. If you ever want to become a police officer you need some type of education. The 'latch key' means no matter what you do you will need a Education to go down the right path. People cant open doors for you you have to open it yourself.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Athletic Trainer

Athletic Trainer                                                                                                        Jazmine Garcia
                                                                                                                                     Period O3

Duties and Responsibilities: The Athletic Trainer will develop strength and conditioning programs and assist the physical/ occupational therapist with exercise programs. This position reports to the clinic director.

Salary: $42,690

Education: To become a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) one must graduate from a Bachelors or masters degree program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) via the Joint Review Committee-Athletic Training(JRC-AT).

Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why or Why not?
                           I would not want to become an Athletic Trainer because i would not want to be around athletes, if someone gets injured i laugh and if they are hurt really bad i freeze. I am not a motivating person it makes no sense to become a Trainer if im not motivational plus i hate p.e.


"Decisions Determine Destiny" -Thomas  S. Monson

                 Thomas S. Monson believes that the choices we make will guide us down our paths weather it it's the right path or wrong. I agree with what he has to say. I believe that our choices lead us because if we choose the wrong choice of course we are gonna end up getting in trouble and go down the wrong path. Although if the decisions we make are the right ones it will reward us through out our lives. For example, I am 14 years old and if i smoke weed and get addicted i will have gone down the wrong path. All because i decided to try drugs. Not only may i get addicted but as a consequence i may drop out of high school, and my brain will not have developed all the way so it will affect my decision making. So just because i decided to smoke and do drugs because of my choice i will make more bad choices until i am  buried and cant help myself out. On the other hand, If I stay focused in school and stay away from bad influences that will also reward me through out my life. I may get a 4 year scholarship to a university of my choice. The list is endless. A good Destiny means a good life. A good life means making good choices. A Bad destiny is a horrible and lonely life. A bad life means the worst version of you there is.