Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Body-Mind-Spirit Student Success Statement


Student Success Statement

"Take responsibility for YOUR OWN body, mind and spirit, for your own physical, mental and spiritual well-being."                   -Mr.Haymore

I believe in what Mr.Haymore is saying. I believe one person always has a choice 1 bad and 1 good and its up to the person deciding weather its the bad choice or its the good choice. People now a days smoke, drink and do other foul things that wasn't prohibited almost 10-15 years ago especially for teenagers. Now a days teens are out on the street all day and night doing what ever they please and giving there parents more stress then ever worrying. Yet, those or only a portion of teens who do those things, but they still influence others to do the same thing.The other portion of teens go to study groups at the library, check in with the parents, always ask before actually doing and have manners. Like it is to do drugs and drink you can also stay at home and help out your parent/guardian but its all up to a choice. Either a good or bad choice but you must be aware of the repercussions when you choose whatever you choose.

Another example of taking responsibility for yourself is saying no to peer pressure. Weather its from people pressuring you to smoke, drink or ditch or maybe just pushing you to have sexual relations. Its up to you to say no or yes. But just like any other choice you might have repercussions and must know what they are before deciding. If you say yes or no its because you either want to do it or you don't. Your choice should be based on you and no one else, just purely on you because if someone convinces you to do something that you might not want to do and you will regret something.

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