L.A.U.S.D provides many services for their students. Some include:
1. L.A Public Library Services
2.Athletic Services (CIF)
3.No Bullying Polices
4. Graduation Requirements
5.College & Career Info
6.Scholarship Information
7. Online Learning for L.A.U.S.D
What all the services have in common is that each of them try and make your educational expericnes comfortable and successful. The reason they might want use to be comfortable is because if we aren't we might drop out early and disrupt other kids from learning. The reason they want us to be successful is to know that they have done there job. not only do we become successful but the teachers do also.
The LA Public Library services give us help on our homework and help us by providing books for as so that we know and understand the material we are learning and or might learn.
The athletic Services talks about the guidelines of each sport, When they are in season, when there upcoming games are and what sports each L.A.U.S.D school has.
The NO BULLYING policies talk about how it hurts people and why you shouldn't hurt someones feelings. Or that you shouldn't hurt someone period. Weather its mentally. physically or socially.
College , Scholarship and Career information is on the website as well. The reason we have these programs is for students who want to further there education passed High School. They assign you programs so that you won't be out on the streets after high school and so you get some sort of income.
Online Learning is only for those who might be home schooled or might not like to be around people. Maybe they can't be around people for whatever reason. That is why there is Online learning. So that no one has an excuse to not have an education.
You can apply to any of these programs and services by going to a guidance/college consular in your school or near by school that is part of L.A.U.S.D. Others might want to do it themselves, all you have to do is go online or go out and find papers for a job or college nearby.
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