Thursday, February 11, 2016

Presidents Day


Presidents  Day

     Presidents day takes place every year in the United States and is always the 3rd Monday in the February calendar. Presidents day was originally just for George Washington, our first president. It is still officially called "Washington's Birthday" by the Federal Government. Presidents day was also another attempt to give the nation's workers more 3 day weekends. After George Washington's reign was over other presidents  such as Abraham Lincoln started becoming popular as well. So then they decided to not only celebrate Washington but also the rest of the presidents as well. 

      Some ways we celebrate Presidents day now is by staging reenactments, celebrating, and teaching others of the historical events. Most people celebrate Washington and Lincoln because they are the ones who shaped this nation to what is is today. Of course the others did take part in the shaping of the U.S. but not as much as them.Washington was our first president and Lincoln was the man who freed all slaves.

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