Monday, November 9, 2015

student success statement (Shall be Wise)

Student Success Statement
Shall be Wise
" He that walketh with wise men shall be wise but: a companion of fools shall be destroyed." Proverbs 13:20

This Statement is telling us that we must choose who to be around very carefully. If we choose the wrong people most likely they will bring us down. Although, if we choose the right people you both can strive for success. For example, If i hang out with people who do drugs get into fights and get thrown into jail i will be down at their level. If i hang out with those people i will be going so low that i might even join them in doing the dumb things they do. Although if i hang out with the good kids who do there work, motivate others and are willing to help me reach my goals its a win win. The reason its a win win is because not only will i reach my goals but i would of course love to return the favor. I would help the person who helps me but none of that would happen if i choose the wrong friends.
Image result for teens going to jail

I believe this statement is also trying to tell us to use our time wisely. I don't want to be the type of person who has any-type of regret or remorse. I want to be the person who has fun while doing the right thing at the time time. Being a teenager is one of the hardest things in life right next to moving out and getting a job. Not only are there pressures but there are temptations and everything else that is bad. We are still trying to figure out who we are and its hard to be a good person if your surround by bad people. 

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